In September 2016 certain forces converged and led to the inevitable. The sign business finally united us after years of talking and dreaming of working together in our own company. Years of successes and failures working for other companies, running our own small businesses, and a few ill fated departures from the industry that has been in our family for generations finally led up to the moment when we could no longer say “what if?”, but rather, “we must!”.
We hit the ground running thanks to a few dedicated and encouraging clients who basically pushed us to get this company off the ground in a very short time. After the dust cleared from the whirlwind of licensing paperwork and initial start up costs and headaches, we truly understood that anything worth having is never easy, but on the other hand, if you love what you do, it feels a little less like work and more like second nature.
We finished the year out in an upswing, finishing a couple of big projects keeping up with our client’s schedules while making the transition.
2017 looks to be a very promising new year for us as a new start up. Current clients are happy with our progress, and we feel like having a knowledgeable and willing team with our combined experience will fuel our future growth. Many new and exciting projects are coming up this year, some we can talk about, others we can’t yet, but as our new foray into social media grows, so will the amount of information we will put out there. We are borderline obsessive about our clients, their projects, and most of all our employees who are the last line in delivering a completed project to the client, and we want everyone to know that! We look to build a company like we’ve always wanted to work for, a company built on family values and recognizing individual employees who exhibit loyalty and an unbeatable work ethic.
We live and breathe the sign business, put our experience to work for your organization, you’ll see! Thank you, and here’s to a great year ahead!